A study of the relationship of cognitive achievement of artistic gymnastics skills for third-stage female students

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Hasnaa Sattar Jabbar Zahra Shehab Ahmed


Games in general witnessed a great development, especially in artistic gymnastics, and this development did not come by chance, but rather as a result of scientific progress. Cognitive achievement is an important part of the educational process. The level of knowledge achievement must be measured in order to develop artistic gymnastics skills. Cognitive achievement is defined as the acquisition of information and knowledge. Experiences and knowledge (Majdi Al-Badri 2000, p. 38) that knowledge acquisition is one of the educational goals of most physical education programs because it forms a vital part in those programs, while (Laila Al-Sayed Farhat 2001, p. And you also define it (Laila Abbas 2000, p. 217) that it is the sum of the degrees of information and knowledge related to motor skills and their laws for an activity in the cognitive achievement test at the end of the application of the experiment. (Abdullah bin Saleh, 2000, p. 76) believes that knowledge acquisition is a helpful tool in introducing learners to the extent of their progress with information and knowledge related to skillful performance, and he sees a study (Firas Mahmoud Al-Khoei, 2013, p. For the artistic gymnastics sport for female students in the college and the performance of female students for this sport, they found that there is a weakness in the skillful performance, and this may be caused by a lack of focus on cognitive achievement, which leads to the student losing scores when evaluating the skillful performance of the artistic gymnastics by the school.The study aimed to identify the cognitive achievement, which is to measure the extent or quantity of the educational units that he passed through, or what he gained from them in terms of scientific and practical experiences for the skills on the four gymnastics devices (jumping platform, ground movement mat, balance beam, non-uniform parallelepiped) for third-stage students - college Physical education and sports sciences, as well as identifying the relationship between cognitive achievement and skill performance with artistic gymnastic skills. The researchers assumed that there is a statistically significant relationship between the level of performance of artistic gymnastic skills and cognitive achievement.



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How to Cite
Zahra Shehab Ahmed, H. S. J. (2024). A study of the relationship of cognitive achievement of artistic gymnastics skills for third-stage female students. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 351–359. Retrieved from https://mjss.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjss/article/view/970