Constructing a measure of psychological stress accompanying physical training officers in the National Security Agency

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Zainab Hassan Flaih Al-Jubouril Ali Hadi Abdul


The research aims to build and apply a measure of methods of coping with pressures for physical training officers in the national security apparatus. The researchers used the descriptive method in the survey method. The research community consisted of physical training officers in the national security apparatus. The number of members of the research community reached (122) officers. The research sample amounted to ( 100) officers. The research community was divided into two groups in a random manner, the first group as a construction sample numbered (50) officers and (50) officers as an application sample, and after excluding (10) officers for the exploratory experiment, either the two researchers followed in building a measure of psychological stress accompanying officers Physical training in the National Security Agency was:1-Determining the concept of the scale 2- Defining the areas of the scale 3- Determining the method and foundations for formulating the paragraphs of the scale 4- The validity of the paragraphs 5- Preparing the scale instructions 6- Exploratory experience 7- Correcting the scale 8- Statistical analysis of the scale 9- Extracting the scientific basis for the scale: 10- Application Final :After that, it was reached to build a measure of psychological stress for students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Al-Mustansiriya University, and (4) domains for measuring psychological stress were extracted based on the statistical results, as follows.The scale consists of (40) items as follows:The first field was called (training pressures) and it contained (8) paragraphs.B- The second field was called (social pressures) and contained (11) paragraphs.C- The third field was called (occupational pressures) and contained (10) paragraphsD- The fourth field was called (physical stress) and it contained (11) items



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How to Cite
Ali Hadi Abdul, Z. H. F. A.-J. (2024). Constructing a measure of psychological stress accompanying physical training officers in the National Security Agency. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 396–411. Retrieved from