The effect of eating diet doses (Beta - Alanine) in developing the maximum consumption of oxygen and the achievement of advanced airways players

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Prof. Dr. Ghsoun Fadel Hadi, Afra Fawzi Rashid


The research aimed is to give doses of the Beta -Alanine food supplement to the bicycle players accompanied by their followed approach, and to learn about the effect of eating doses of the food supplement (Beta - Alanine) in de-veloping the maximum consumption of oxygen (Vo2Max), and improving the time of the completion of the biking players individually Against the watch for the applicants, and I adopted the experimental curriculum by designing the experimental and controlled groups on a sample of (10) bicycle players from the Sports Industry Club. With an equal number, the experimentation was given the food supplement (Beta – Alanine) For the trial group, before their exercises in a half -helped time, and three times a week, according to their curriculum prepared by their coach, and the amount given to each Drag player was the background of the food supplement box with a dose of (500) milliliters, in the special preparation period for their training for a period of (3) consecutive months At a rate of (3) times a week and at (12) consecutive training weeks, and after the completion of the experiment, the results were addressed with a system (SPSS) so that the conclusions and recommenda-tions are that it helps to take doses of the Beta -Alanine food supplement for the bicycle players accompanied by their training curriculum. In developing the maximum consumption of oxygen (VO2MAX), and in improving the time of completion individually against the watch for applicants With a clear supe-riority over their peers who did not take it, and it is necessary for the first -class clubs to take care of the bicycles in developing the experiences and ca-pabilities of the coaches in it on how to give doses of the Beta -Alanine food supplement for the bicycle players accompanied by their training curriculum based on its positive effective effectiveness in the results of this Research, and it is necessary to pay attention to investing the experiences of academics spe-cializing in physical education sciences when giving nutritional supplements to bicycle players in a way that suits and is compatible with modernity in this field by adopting an ongoing cooperation mechanism between these clubs and colleges of physical education and sports science.


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How to Cite
Prof. Dr. Ghsoun Fadel Hadi, Afra Fawzi Rashid. (2024). The effect of eating diet doses (Beta - Alanine) in developing the maximum consumption of oxygen and the achievement of advanced airways players. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 6(1), 174–183.