Analysis of the teaching process in the curriculum of the second generation of competencies in educational institutions in the subject of sports education in Algeria from the point of view of the professors of the subject

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Sami Fawzi Malawiha


: The objective of our research is to highlight the nature of the inclinations of sports and physical education teachers towards teaching through the competency-based approach in its second generation. This approach is one of the modern teaching methods adopted by the Algerian Ministry of Education after experimenting with several other methods. It also aims to know the extent to which teachers respond to this new approach and how students interact during the physical education classes when employing this technique.

The researcher employed the descriptive survey process as it suits such studies, and the research sample included 71 physical education teachers of secondary schools belonging to the Directorate of Education of Annaba, Algeria. The time frame for the study was the 2022–2023 academic year.

The study found that this approach contributes to increasing learning during physical education classes for secondary school students. It also enhances their motivation to engage in both individual and group activities. Furthermore, most teachers believe that this teaching method considers the individual differences among students and increases communication channels during the class between all parties.




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How to Cite
Sami Fawzi Malawiha. (2024). Analysis of the teaching process in the curriculum of the second generation of competencies in educational institutions in the subject of sports education in Algeria from the point of view of the professors of the subject. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(5), 703–686.