Contemporary education trends and their impact on sustainable development

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Ali Hamid Jbeil Al-Badiri
Ghaffar Saad Issa


   The research aims to identify the role of academic and educational institutions in the process of sustainable development, as education is considered the basic pillar in building the community workforce in production, and how to plan inputs concerned with the public good and keep pace with the developments taking place in our world today through the use of modern technologies in the fields of education and work, and there is a close relationship. Between the developmental and educational reality, as it is not possible to advance any sector of life without building an efficient educational system that can keep pace with modern technology, especially in the educational field. Today, they are the ones who determine the progress and development of countries.


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How to Cite
Ali Hamid Jbeil Al-Badiri, & Ghaffar Saad Issa. (2024). Contemporary education trends and their impact on sustainable development. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(5), 422–410.