Transfer of the impact of horizontal and vertical learning and its impact on learning the skills of short handling and scoring in futsal for female students

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Ilad Muhammad Abd Zaid
Noha Youssef Hashem


The research aims to identify the transfer of the effect of horizontal and vertical learning and the effect of learning the skills of short handling and scoring in futsal to female students, and to identify the highest rates of transfer of the effect of learning the two skills within the research groups, as the research problem is due to the presence of skills that are not few in futsal. It is to give the female students reverse learning to utilize the time in the lesson and better learning for both groups to utilize the time and give more skills for learning. It is to begin with these steps to study the transfer of the effect of horizontal and vertical learning in learning the skills of short handling and scoring in indoor soccer to the female students. As for the research methodology, the two researchers used the research community to Female students in the third stage who are affiliated with the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Kufa for the academic year 2023-2024. The comprehensive sample of (30) students was selected and was divided into two groups, where the first group was taught using the method of transmission of the effect of horizontal learning, using, transmission The effect of learning from short handling to close scoring. The second group learns through the method of transferring the vertical learning effect, the transfer of the learning effect from close scoring to short handling.

Thus, it was concluded from the research that the special exercises used had a positive impact on learning the skills of short handling and scoring skills in futsal for female students. Several recommendations were made, including the necessity of prioritizing learning the skill of short handling over learning the skill of close scoring in learning futsal skills


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How to Cite
Ilad Muhammad Abd Zaid, & Noha Youssef Hashem. (2024). Transfer of the impact of horizontal and vertical learning and its impact on learning the skills of short handling and scoring in futsal for female students. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(5), 268–275.