The Role of the Physical Education Teacher in learners rehabilitation after attendance education: Fallujah city schools as a case study

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Mohamad Yassine, Mohammed Kareem Alaani.


This study aimed to know the role of the physical education teacher in reha-bilitating the learners after returning to attendance education with the focus on the schools of Al Fallujah city.The researcher followed the descriptive ana-lytical method to achieve the objectives of the study.The study took a sample of (30) teachersof the physical education who taught physical education in (20) preparatory and intermediate schools in the center of Al Fallujah city in the governorate of Al Anbar in Iraq during the academic year 2020-2021.The researcher also used the questionnaire methodto collect the necessary data in order to answer the questions of the study. This method divided the role of physical education teacher into four groups: (planning _ implementation _ evaluation _ social relations).The researcher used the (SPPS) programme toanalyze the data and release the results of the study.The results of the study appeared as follows:Physical education teachers perform their role in rehabilitating learners after returning to physical education to a large extent.The role of the physical education teacher in the field of social relations came in the first place, then in the field of evaluation his role came in the second place with a high degree while in the field of implementation it came in the third place with a high degree, and finally in the field of planning it came in the fourth place with a high degree.There are statistical differences in opinions of male and female teachers about the role of physical education teachers in rehabilitating learners after return-ing to the presence education in the schools of Al Fallujah, and they are in fa-vor of male teachers.There are no statistical differences in teachers' opinions about the role of physical education teachers according to the educational qualification variable in rehabilitating learners in the schools of Al Fallujah city.There are no statistical differences due to the variable of years of experience in teachers' opinions about the physical education teachers in Fallujah schools in rehabilitating learners after returning to the attendance education.


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How to Cite
Mohamad Yassine, Mohammed Kareem Alaani. (2024). The Role of the Physical Education Teacher in learners rehabilitation after attendance education: Fallujah city schools as a case study. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(1), 122–136. Retrieved from