The problem of female students’ motivation to participate during the physical and sports education class in the schools of Ramadi city in Iraq

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Mohamed Yassine, Louay Ali Atallah


The study is aimed to identify the problem of female students’ motivation to participate during the physical and sports education class in the schools of Ramadi city in Iraq.To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher adopted the descriptive analytical method.The study community consisted of all physical education teachers in (58) fe-male schools from middle to high schools within the city of Ramadi in Anbar Governorate – Iraq.The study sample consisted of (44) female physical education teachers in middle and high schools within the city of Ramadi in Anbar Governorate - Iraq.That is, (76%) of the study community (21) Of them from middle schools and (23) from high schools, The researcher used the questionnaire as a tool to col-lect the data of study extracted from the answers of the questions consists of three dimensions:The social problem and parents , Physical fitness, ability and endurance Psychological state.After using the statistical package program, the researcher reached the follow-ing results:The motivation of female students to participate during the physical educa-tion and sports class in the schools of the city of Ramadi faces a problem in the social field with the parents, and in the field of psychological state to a large extent, as for the field of physical fitness, ability and endurance the re-sult was moderate.There are statistically significant differences at the significance level of (0.05) between the arithmetic averages of physical education teachers estimates at the problem of female students’ motivation to participate during the physical and sports education class in Ramadi schools due to the variable of the “study level” (intermediate - high), which is in favor of the intermediate stage


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How to Cite
Mohamed Yassine, Louay Ali Atallah. (2024). The problem of female students’ motivation to participate during the physical and sports education class in the schools of Ramadi city in Iraq. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(1), 204–212. Retrieved from