The relationship of mental health to the achievement of bench press left in the sport of Paralympic youth weightlifters

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Haider Ali Salman Abdul


The development taking place in all areas of life, especially the sports side, and
that the prevailing work at the present time is the higher levels and how to develop
and raise the level of sports in order to achieve and achieve the records that
achieve the required goals, as the psychological problems that face athletes in
general and in terms of training and achievements competitions And that the responsibility rests with the workers in the sports side, that mental health is one of
the important concepts in all sports, and one of these sports is weightlifting for
people with disabilities, and weightlifting for people with disabilities is one of the
competitive sports activities in which the psychological factor intervenes mainly
in training and achievement Sports competitions by virtue of the specificity of theevent, the problem of the research through the follow-up of the researcher, being
one of the workers with this segment, he deliberately asked a question to know
the results, which is the relationship of mental health to achievement. Psychological and achievement of weightlifters for people with disabilities, and the researcher used the descriptive method and humiliation Because the descriptive approach is the approach that is suitable for obtaining the desired results from this
problem, and the research sample was 8 quadrants. As for the fourth chapter, the
researcher worked on analyzing, presenting and discussing the results. In the fifth
chapter, the following follows: Mental health has a direct correlation with the skill
of increasing strength for people with disabilities. As for the recommendations,
the researcher recommends the need to pay attention to the development of mental
health among lifters


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How to Cite
Haider Ali Salman Abdul. (2024). The relationship of mental health to the achievement of bench press left in the sport of Paralympic youth weightlifters. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(1), 269–275. Retrieved from