The effect of using the strategy of simultaneous electronic practical presentations in teaching some basic skills in football for second intermediate students

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Thaer Karam Jaaona


o identify the extent of the effect of using the strategy of simultaneous electronic practical presentations in teaching some basic football skills
to second-grade students
As the importance of the research lies in ((the use of the strategy of simultaneous
electronic practical presentations in teaching some basic skills in football for second-grade students. Its inappropriateness and the nature of the educational material provided to them, which reflects negatively on teaching basic skills in football, so the researcher found the need to use a strategy that helps them absorb the
educational material, which makes it more appropriate in terms of their cognitive
performance and the extent of its positive reflection on teaching skills, so the researcher found ways Teaching, which is the strategy of practical presentations, as
it may be appropriate to the needs of students in their perception of the information
given, due to the diversity of means of presentation .
The researcher used the experimental method on a sample of middle school students, Muhammad Muhammad Sadiq al-Sadr, for boys, as they numbered (14)
students, represented by one experimental group .
Through the results of the research, the researcher reached the following conclusions :
v The use of the strategy of educational presentations created an interactive environment that reflected positively on teaching the skills under discussion.
v The use of the strategy of simultaneous electronic practical presentations led to
a harmony between e-learning and the students’ comprehension of the material,
so that it moved from the stock of kinetic memory to the occurrence of education
among the same research individuals within the two skills of football
v Recommendations :
Through the conclusions, the researcher recommends the following :
v Generalizing the use of the strategy of simultaneous electronic practical presentations to the teacher within the physical education lesson because of its impact
on teaching skills
v Enhancing the experience of the strategy of simultaneous electronic practical
presentations in different samples and other educational stages
Work on using the strategy of simultaneous electronic practical presentations in
teaching other skills and other activities


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How to Cite
Thaer Karam Jaaona. (2024). The effect of using the strategy of simultaneous electronic practical presentations in teaching some basic skills in football for second intermediate students. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(1), 285–294. Retrieved from