Sports culture and its relationship to attitudes towards sports activities among middle school students in Mosul

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Nagham Khaled Al-Khaffaf
Ali Abdul Aziz
Farouk Aladdin


The research aims to identify each of the sports culture and attitudes towards the practice of sports activities among middle school students in the city of Mosul, and then to identify the relationship between the two variables among the members of the research sample.The researchers used the descriptive method of the survey method for its suitability and the nature of the research. The sample population included middle school students in a number of 900 schools in Mosul, while the research sample numbered 270 students, and 20 students were excluded from an exploratory experience And (10) students did not complete their answers to the questionnaire. The researchers used two measures: the mathematical culture scale, which was corrected and modified before (Ahmed&Mahdi,2012), And the scale of attitudes toward the practice of sports activities that was designed and localized by Konon (Muhammad Hassan Allawi, 1998), and after confirming the validity and reliability of the two measures, the data obtained by the researchers were statistically processed using (the arithmetic mean, the standard deviation, the simple correlation coefficient of Larson, the test T, hypothetical, percentage law), In the light of the results obtained by the researchers, a number of conclusions were reached from them, that the members of the research sample have a low level of mathematical culture according to the levels, and they have an average degree of trends towards practicing sports activities higher than the hypothetical average, and this indicates that the result is positive, except for the dimension The social trend was negative because the arithmetic mean is less than the hypothetical mean, and there is no moral correlation between mathematical culture and a number of dimensions of trends except for one dimension, the results of which showed a correlation relationship, which is after (beauty and expression).



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Nagham Khaled Al-Khaffaf, Ali Abdul Aziz, & Farouk Aladdin. (2024). Sports culture and its relationship to attitudes towards sports activities among middle school students in Mosul. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 2(3), 9–19.