Emotional arousal and its relationship to performing some ring skills with rhythmic gymnastics

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Zina Khalid Khalid Jassim
Elham Ali Hassoun


The study summarizes that it included five chapters, the first chapter is the definition of research and the importance of research and lies in the knowledge of emotional arousal and its relationship to the performance of some of the collar skills in rhythmic gymnastics and includes the research problem as the psychological factor is one of the basic pillars for learning and developing performance, including emotional arousal and is one of the emotions that affect On the performance of the student, the research includes the goals and assumptions. The third chapter included the research methodology, the tools used and statistical methods, the fourth chapter included the presentation and discussion of the results through what the researcher reached, and the fifth section included the conclusions and recommendations that the researchers reached through the research results



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How to Cite
Zina Khalid Khalid Jassim, & Elham Ali Hassoun. (2024). Emotional arousal and its relationship to performing some ring skills with rhythmic gymnastics. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 2(3), 108–113. https://doi.org/10.62540/mjss.2020.02.03.16