A comparative study of the mindfulness of the rulers of the teams games (handball - basketball - futsal football) for the sports season 2019-2020

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Qahtan Fadel Muhammad Al-Azzawi


Scientific studies and research in all fields, especially the sports field, are the main pillar for advancement and development, representing a scientific representation that leads to reaching the highest levels. Referees adhere to them in issuing their rulings in matches, but these decisions may sometimes be affected by the subjective factor of the referee, as in mental alertness, which has a major role in making decisions quickly and accurately The importance of research in conducting a comparative study between the rulers of the difference games (handball - basketball - and soccer halls) is evident in mental alertness, which is considered one of the main psychological variables that should be characterized by the referee, and the research problem lies in answering the following question: Is there Differences in the mental awakening of the rulers of the teams games (handball, basketball, football for the halls), as for the goals of research and identifying the differences in the degree of mental alertness of the rulers (hand, basketball, football for the halls) As for the imposition of the research, are there differences in the mental awakening of the rulers of the For research sample, and the researcher used the descriptive method in the survey method to suit the research problem, and the scale was applied to the research sample through the program from the program, and the researcher concluded that there are no differences Among the rulers of the For research sample, and it is recommended to conduct comparative studies in other psychological variables on the rulers of the rest of the games



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How to Cite
Qahtan Fadel Muhammad Al-Azzawi. (2024). A comparative study of the mindfulness of the rulers of the teams games (handball - basketball - futsal football) for the sports season 2019-2020. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 2(3), 164–170. https://doi.org/10.62540/mjss.2020.02.03.17