The relationship of compound motor response speed with the performance of some offensive skills for young players in Kyokushinkai Karate

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Mona Hamid Jasim Al-Lami


AbstractChapter one : This section contained an introduction and the importance of the research, in which the researcher touched on the game of Kyokushinkai Karate and the position that she enjoys among other sports. As for the importance of the research lies in the relationship of complex motor response speed with the performance of some offensive skills for young players in Kyokushinkai Karate. As for the problem of research through the researcher being former national team player an elected and worked as a trainer in Kyokushinkai Karate training and the role of this trait (speed of response) in the performance, the research aims in researching this relationship, due to its importance in the optimal performance of players. The research aims to identify the relationship between the speed of the kinetic response by performing some offensive skills for young players in Kyokushinkai Karate. The researcher assumes that there is a relationship between the speed of response to the performance of some skills (front punch, opposite punch, frontal punch, , front kick, circular kick)Research hypothesis: The researcher hypothesized that there is a statistically significant correlation between compound response speed and the performance of some offensive skills in Kyokushinkai Karate.The human domain: Environment Club and help police club players.Timeframe: 15/12/2019 to 22/12/2019.Spatial domain: The internal hall of the training center of the Central Union of Kyukushinkai of (Ammar Adnan WahibChapter second; Research Methodology and Procedures, Where a descriptive approach was used to suit its research problem, the research was conducted on a sample of youth for the Environment Sports Club and the Sports Help Club, and choices were made for the research. Chapter Three: The results included the presentation, analysis and discussion. After conducting the necessary statistical operations, the results were presented, analyzed and discussed. Chapter Four: Conclusions and Recommendations. A statistically significant correlation between the compound response speed and the performance of some offensive skills of Kyokushinkai Karate. The researcher recommends; 1-The necessity of using the scientific method in training the speed of compound response and developing educational curricula in a manner that suits the level of players and how to develop their skills. 2-Carrying out similar studies on the relationship of the compound response speed and the performance of some other offensive skills with Kyokushinkai Karate.


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How to Cite
Mona Hamid Jasim Al-Lami. (2024). The relationship of compound motor response speed with the performance of some offensive skills for young players in Kyokushinkai Karate. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 2(3), 171–178.