Views of the sports reality and ways to develop it through the view of the management of girls’ schools in Mosul

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Saad Yassin Saeed Al Obeidi


The progress of any science is measured by the degree of accuracy it reaches in that measurement, so proper planning or development for the better can only be on the basis of accurate evaluation , service aimed at developing the process educational In the theoretical framework, the researcher dealt with the physical education lesson in secondary schools and its relationship to school health, and the research community included a group of sports directors and teachers in secondary school girls’ schools, and the research sample was chosen by the stratified random method, and the researcher used a questionnaire and personal interview as means of collecting information In addition to using the following scientific transactions: reliability by retesting, apparent and subjective honesty, and objectivity. The researcher also used the SPSS system for statistical treatments.The most important conclusions 1-It was found that school administrations are weak in the necessity of studying sports in girls’ schools. The most important recommendations were 1-Providing a staff specialized in studying sports in the schools concerned with the research. 2-Developing a systematic book for studying sports in girls’ schools and for all stages.


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How to Cite
Saad Yassin Saeed Al Obeidi. (2024). Views of the sports reality and ways to develop it through the view of the management of girls’ schools in Mosul. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(2), 185–192.