Special exercises according to the digital competitive learning strategy in the development of some physical abilities and scoring skill from a fixed kick football penalty aged 15-16 years

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Faris Hussein Khader
Riad Hani Judeh


The research included the electronic ability of information and communication that keeps pace with the modern era, which is known as learning according to the digital competition between sports and non-sports institutions, each of which accompanies the lead and progress that includes training centers in sports, university and school institutions not to seek through them social communication for websites and theirs, where the effectiveness of the ball The foot and the active abilities in it, whether physical or skill. Hence, the research dealt with special exercises according to the digital competitive learning strategy in developing some special abilities and skills for football. From that, the research dealt with the problem according to special exercises of digital competition strategy for the variables under study for the individuals of the sample according to the learning of these abilities and skills, as it found that there is a moral relationship to the physical abilities and skills of the sample members in the post tests, and the research also concluded that competitive learning is according to marital and individual learning to learn the skill according to This method of learning, which depends on thinking and thinking logically, and the researchers also recommended the use of other methods to learn skills for activities and skills to master learning in them.



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How to Cite
Faris Hussein Khader, & Riad Hani Judeh. (2024). Special exercises according to the digital competitive learning strategy in the development of some physical abilities and scoring skill from a fixed kick football penalty aged 15-16 years. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 2(4), 275–282. https://doi.org/10.62540/mjss.2020.02.04.25
Review Paper