Relationship between Cognitive style (risk taking VS Cautiousness) and performance of some ring skills for third stage female students in College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences / University of Baghdad

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Abduljaleel Jabbar Naser
Zeena Khalid Jasim


Most educational curricula focuses on the responses of players towards specific educational stimuli and situations, without focusing on the cognitive method in which players deal with those responses, the aim of this research is to identify the relation between the results of skills tests and the results of the scale (risk versus caution), the researchers used the descriptive curricula and the research sample consists of 18 students from third stage female students in College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences / University of Baghdad, after applying the cognitive style questionnaire (risk taking versus cautiousness) and conduct test in four ring skills, the results revealed a significant positive relation between risk taking and performing skills in rhythmic gym



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How to Cite
Abduljaleel Jabbar Naser, & Zeena Khalid Jasim. (2024). Relationship between Cognitive style (risk taking VS Cautiousness) and performance of some ring skills for third stage female students in College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences / University of Baghdad. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 3(2), 112–120.
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