The effect of the training curriculum on the speed of the motor response and the performance of some basic handball skills

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Hardan Aziz Salman
Mostafa Mohamed Hussein


Introduction to the research and its importance: The researchers touched on the importance of using modern training methods in training, the speed of the motor response and its effectiveness in developing physical capabilities, which in turn are positively reflected in the development of some basic skills that are one of the basics upon which correction skills are based on handball.The research problem: Through watching the researchers and taking the opinions of the coaches and the field experience, it became clear that there is a weakness for some players in terms of (the speed of the kinetic response) and that the kinetic response of the athletes may play a big role in the performance of some of the motor skills as it gives them a great aesthetic.Research objectives: Knowing the level of kinetic response speed of the Al-Jaish Sports Club players with handball, and knowing the level of performance of some basic skills of Al-Jaish Sports Club players with handball.The research hypothesis: There are statistically significant differences between the pre and post tests and in favor of the post tests in the speed of the motor response and the performance of some basic handball skills.Research fields: The human field: Army Club players for the youth age group (17-19 years), time domain: from 12/15/2018 to 4/15/2019, spatial field: closed hall of Wissam Al-Majd Sports Club. This section included a presentation of the results of statistical treatment using a set of tables, and then analyzing and discussing them in an accurate scientific manner and supported by scientific sources. Through this discussion, the goals of the research and verification of the research hypothesis were reached. The conclusion included the conclusions from it (the exercises used within the training curriculum are effective and have a positive effect on the speed of the motor response and the performance of some basic handball skills) and recommendations (emphasizing the importance of the special skill preparation stage and their role in developing the physical and skill level and its reflection in achieving positive results).


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How to Cite
Hardan Aziz Salman, & Mostafa Mohamed Hussein. (2024). The effect of the training curriculum on the speed of the motor response and the performance of some basic handball skills. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(4), 251–261.