Physical _motional intelligence relation to running stage between barriersages 12-14 years.

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The present study in cludes chapter one study identi fication This chapter shows the introduction and important of the study also con tains the problem of the study. and Aims-Hypo theses of the study.chapter three Method and procedures of the syudy :The experimental method was used in this study and the samples inclnde seventeen youth players.Chapter four Result and Discussion :This chapter contains results and discussion to achieve the aims and hypo theses of the study.Chapter five conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions: the method which contains special exercises has agreat effect on the performance of the experimentalgroup.Recommendations: The coaches be interested in using training progeams that include exercises of mussuler strength during training module ., and determined the research sample by the intentional method that included the fourth preparatory students, as exercises were applied during the educational curriculum that lasted for (5) weeks with two units and a per unit according to the conceptual fluency using the exercises, After obtaining the raw results, they were statistically treated, and the researcher concluded that the special exercises had a positive and clear effect in developing the most important aspects of attention and training passing &shooting in water polo in the research group.



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How to Cite
RANA KHALED MH. (2024). Physical _motional intelligence relation to running stage between barriersages 12-14 years. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 3(2), 160–167.
Review Paper