Compound skill performance speed and its relationship to the motor speed of football talent centers players aged 12-14 years

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Wesam Najeeb Asleawa
Faiza Abdel-Jabbar Ahmed


Summary of the researchThe game of football today is different from what it was, as it was associated with many sciences, especially after the entry of modern technology to it, and through that the interest in it and the sciences associated with it became very great.Hence the importance of the research by finding the relationship between the complex skill performance and the kinetic speed of football players because the speed of decision-making by improving the player’s ability to realize the changing situations in the game, which we benefit from in the speed of implementation of the skill performance to reach the optimal tactical performance.The problem of the research comes from the lack of interest in the development of complex skill performance because of its relationship to kinetic speed.The research aims toRecognize the relationship between motor speed and complex skill performance.The research community included the players of the talent centers of the Iraqi Federation in Baghdad (Al-Rusafa and Al-Karkh), which consisted of 40 players.By discussing the results of the tests, it was found that the correlation between the speed of complex skill performance and motor speed was significant.The researcher attributes that the sample on which the tests were carried out are talented players, who were selected according to the criteria for selecting the talented and classified by the International Football Association (FIFA) and the Iraqi Football Association (IFA), which were developed by experts and specialists.After discussing the results, the researcher came up with a number of conclusions:1. The emergence of a significant correlation between motor speed and the speed of complex skill performance.2. The tests that were designed and modified had a positive effect on giving the real results of the results of the two variables (motor speed and speed of complex skill performance).3. Regular training years (3-5) years for the sample gave logical reasoning in the results of the tests of the investigated variables.Finally, I recommend1. Emphasis on the use of skillful physical exercises and because they have a positive effect on (motor speed and complex skill performance).2. The necessity of emphasizing the regularity of training for cubs and juniors.


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How to Cite
Wesam Najeeb Asleawa, & Faiza Abdel-Jabbar Ahmed. (2024). Compound skill performance speed and its relationship to the motor speed of football talent centers players aged 12-14 years. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(2), 178–184.