The effect of compound exercises in developing the speed of motor perception and the performance of scoring accuracy for football players for youth forums

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Ali Khalifa Baris


The game of football is one of the games that is characterized by the speed of motor perception and basic skills, which play a major role in the players’ ability to control and control the ball in the required positions and directions. It has become necessary for the player not to delay the movement of the ball because it must be in constant movement . And that the indicator of developing the speed of motor perception and the performance of the skill of scoring have always been of interest to specialists in the field of motor learning and the science of sports training. Hence, it was necessary to prepare complex exercises in order to motivate the players during the application and help them develop their physical, motor and skill abilities in conditions similar to what happens in the match, as these exercises play a major role in the success of the training process. The problem of the research is that most of the players have a weakness in the speed of motor perception despite the training, as well as the lack of appropriate solutions to it, which directly affects the results of the matches and this makes it difficult from a technical point of view, and that the exercises used are traditional exercises that do not depend on diversity, excitement, suspense and the use of devices And it takes a long time and more effort from the coach and the players, so the researcher decided to delve into this problem. The researcher aims to prepare complex exercises that help in developing the speed of motor perception and the scoring skill of football players for youth forums in Diyala. The researcher assumes that there are statistically significant differences in the results of the post-tests in the speed of motor perception and the skill of scoring among football players between the experimental and control groups in favor of the experimental group. As for the research sample, it consisted of the two players of the Muqdadiya Youth Forum in Diyala Governorate, who number (20) football players participating in the Directorate of Youth and Sports in Diyala Governorate for the year 2020-2021, who were chosen in a deliberate way, and they were divided into two experimental and control groups by lottery method, each group consisting of (10)


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How to Cite
Ali Khalifa Baris. (2024). The effect of compound exercises in developing the speed of motor perception and the performance of scoring accuracy for football players for youth forums. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(2), 84–95.