The effect of the overlapping of the two modes of visual and auditory learning with performance feedback in learning some basic soccer skills for beginners

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Furat Jabbar Saadalla, Raad Abd Kadher Hussin


 The conditions for success and progress in essential learning of the performance of basic skills in sports activities should be based on the correct scientific grounds as well as the diversity of methods and patterns of learning and how to choose the appropriate ones will help the process of learning these skills as each style has its own characteristics and conditions that are compatible with learners and their abilities And the individual differences between them, and that the audio pattern ensures the learner performance of the skill by taking a picture of them through detailed explanation and then modify them by repeating them in contrast to the visual pattern, which ensures the learner performance of the skill by taking a picture of it through the presentation of images or live model and then modify them by repeating them, and the sample of the research of students in the middle stage with the number of 40 players was used to measure the patterns of learning to classify the sample and the most important results of the research (the visual pattern of the priority in the results of the tests of distance is the best and most effective style of the pattern In the accuracy of the performance of the skills of handling and football. The repetition within the skill exercises if used in a sufficient number and according to the type and difficulty of the skill, it achieves the effectiveness and influence well in motor performance.



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How to Cite
Furat Jabbar Saadalla, Raad Abd Kadher Hussin. (2024). The effect of the overlapping of the two modes of visual and auditory learning with performance feedback in learning some basic soccer skills for beginners. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 1(1), 302–310.