The Effect of Differentiated Education on Kinetic Expectation and Learning the Skill of Rebounding Basketball

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Buthaina Abdel Khaleq Ibrahim
Omaima Fawzy Hamoudi


The importance of the research by benefiting from differentiated learning and its educational characteristics, to develop kinetic expectation and the skill of handling basketball. The tight control of the two groups, the experimental and the control, and the field research procedures included defining a pattern scale and included choosing the kinetic expectation test and the rebound handling skill of basketball, presenting the results, analyzing them and discussing them using statistical tables and conclusions to confirm the use of differentiated education in learning basic skills


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Buthaina Abdel Khaleq Ibrahim, & Omaima Fawzy Hamoudi. (2024). The Effect of Differentiated Education on Kinetic Expectation and Learning the Skill of Rebounding Basketball. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 4(1), 82–90.