Sports Emigration and Its Relationship to Competitive Behavior Weight Lifting Players

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Ali Abdulhadi Salih


Through follow-up observation and personal interview to identify the extent of the risk and difficulty of movements possessed by the players of kickboxing and the need of composure and strength of nerves during the competition and cases of provocation by the rival, the researchers note that there is a lack of interest by most coaches in the psychological aspects of the players.This research is conducted to identify the level of psychological capacity represented by sports emigration and the psychological endurance that the players have to overcome them and find appropriate solutions.The descriptive method in the style of surveying the relational relations as it greatly suits the nature of the research and the society of the research represented by the kickboxing players. This method also fits the tools, means of research, the scientific transactions of the two measures and the scientific foundations of the validity and reliability, objectivity and the pilot test.Appropriate statistical treatments are conducted in order to get to results that enable us to come up with the most important conclusions and recommendations. It is concluded that sports emigration is strongly associated to psychological endurance for Weight Lifting players of years and the age group and more). There is also the presence of slight differences between the players and the age groups of the three in sports emigration. No differences between the for the three age groups sports eMiGration.


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How to Cite
Ali Abdulhadi Salih. (2024). Sports Emigration and Its Relationship to Competitive Behavior Weight Lifting Players. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 3(4), 121–131.