A comparative study of job satisfaction with the teaching profession among male and female physical education teachers in Kirkuk Governorate

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Ali Hussien Ali


The importance of the research lies in studying the satisfaction with the profession of teaching physical education among male and female teachers in Kirkuk Governorate and identifying the differences between them in job satisfaction with the teaching profession for this important specialty in our society.The research problem appears in the following questions:- Are there differences between male and female teachers in satisfaction with the profession of teaching physical education in primary schools in Kirkuk Governorate?The current research aims to:- Identifying statistical differences between male and female teachers in job satisfaction with the profession of teaching physical education.The researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey and comparative methods for their suitability and the nature of the current research.The researcher deliberately chose the research curse from male and female physical education teachers in the center of Kirkuk Governorate, who he was able to reach and obtain their answers to on the scale of the current research, which numbered (87) individuals, including (36) female teachers and (51) teachers who practice the profession of teaching physical education in elementary schools.The researcher used a measure of job satisfaction with the profession of teaching physical educationThe researcher concluded the following:- Teachers outperform female teachers in job satisfaction towards the profession of teaching physical education in primary schools in the schools of Kirkuk Governorate.



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How to Cite
Ali Hussien Ali. (2024). A comparative study of job satisfaction with the teaching profession among male and female physical education teachers in Kirkuk Governorate. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 246–252. https://doi.org/10.62540/mjss.Conf.4th.2023.16