The role of digital sports media in developing the culture of swimming for women from the perspective of female students in the colleges of physical education and sports sciences

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Haider Abd Ali Jabara, Prof.Assist. Dr. Firas Ajeel


The research aimed to: build scale of digital sports media for female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya, and build scale of sports culture in the swim-ming game for female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya, and to identify the reality of the state of digital sports media and sports culture in the swimming game for female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya. The descriptive approach was used to suit the nature of the research problem. As for the research community, it was limited by female students in the Colleges of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, the research sample included the University of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya, of (88) female students. The dig-ital sports media scale was built and applied with its (46) paragraphs, and constructing and applying scale of swimming culture for women with its (36) paragraphs, the research came out with a set of conclusions, including arriv-ing at building scale of sports culture among female students of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya Colleges, and reaching building a scale of digital sports me-dia among female students of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya Colleges, the re-searcher found that there are significant differences between the academic stages, except for the first and the second stage, in the sports culture scale, the research came out with a set of recommendations, including the necessity of using the time sports media scale for all academic levels for female students of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya Colleges, and clarifying the digital sports media aspect through courses in digital means and tools for electronic media.



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How to Cite
Haider Abd Ali Jabara, Prof.Assist. Dr. Firas Ajeel. (2024). The role of digital sports media in developing the culture of swimming for women from the perspective of female students in the colleges of physical education and sports sciences. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 6(1), 87–103.