The Impact of competitve activities according to the strategy of role playing in learning the skills of plump and chest passing in basketball for second intermediate students

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Yaqoub Yousuf Ibrahim


The study aims at identifying the Impact of using the method of role playing in teaching second intermediate students. The researcher has used the imperical method for its convenience to the nature of the problem of the paper and its goals. The community of the study included the second intermediate students in Al Maamon intermediate school. They are (70) students and they represent (100%) of the simple. The researcher has concluded that the strategy of role playing is more effective than the imperative way in learning the skills of plump and chest passing of basketball. The researcher has recommended the folloxving: 1-Holding qualifying courses for Physical Education teachers to train them achieving the strategy of role playing in different learning situations and designing teaching activities.2-Directing the designers of Physical Education curriculum to the importance of the strategy of role playing



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How to Cite
Yaqoub Yousuf Ibrahim. (2024). The Impact of competitve activities according to the strategy of role playing in learning the skills of plump and chest passing in basketball for second intermediate students. Mustansiriyah Journal of Sports Science, 5(4), 291–298.